We would like to congratulate the Director of the Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience, Dr. Hilary Bierman on being awarded the Provost’s Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty.
The Provost's Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty honors consistent excellent contributions from full-time faculty who have served for at least five years and do not have nor are eligible for tenure. Honorees are recognized in one of the three core areas of academic activity: teaching, research and service. Dr. Bierman has been recognized for both her outstanding teaching and service. In addition to her role as Director, Dr. Bierman is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biology and the Course Director for NEUR405: Neuroscience Laboratory. The NEUR program has flourished under her leadership and we are thrilled to see her efforts recognized. Dr. Bierman will be honored at the 40th Annual Faculty and Staff Convocation on September 13, 2023.